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CIMR is a fantastic place to be a PhD student. I am grateful for the opportunity to pursue my research interests surrounded by incredible scientists who are leaders in many different aspects of cell biology. We are also extremely fortunate to have excellent core facilities and lots of support to help us with our research and academic growth.
Jennifer Palmer (April 2023)
CIMR has been an amazing place to be trained in molecular and cell biology. Every lab has extensive knowledge in studying fundamental cell processes, which can then be integrated and applied to understand your physiological system of interest.
The researchers at CIMR are incredibly bright but equally friendly and open to collaboration. Between formal presentations and informal meetings, I’ve received feedback, and technical tutorials and discussed ideas to ensure our work is rigorous and exciting. We’re also really fortunate to have the support of several core facilities whose members are similarly generous with their expertise and time.
Finally, it’s been brilliant to share this marathon journey with our student cohort across the institute. We’ll be there to cheer each other on across the finish line!Nivedita Sarveswaran (April 2021)