After we've reviewed your application, we will let you know our final decision via email.
You can also track the progress of your application in the Applicant Portal.
When you will get our decision
If you submitted your application before the funding deadline in December or January, you should receive a decision by the end of March. We make most offers in February and March.
Find out more about how we assess your application.
If your application is unsuccessful
If your application is unsuccessful, you may find out sooner than those who receive an offer.
Our application process is competitive and, unfortunately, there are many good applicants each year who don't get an offer of a place.
You are welcome to apply again in another academic year.
If your application is successful
If we decide to make a conditional offer of admission, you will receive an email telling you this.
Your offer will be conditional until you've met all the conditions of your offer.
You can manage your application through your Self-Service account. We will send you a link, an ID number (known as your USN) and a password to give you access to your account.
You can see details of your offer in the Self-Service account. This includes a certificate of the conditional offer of admission.
If you applied to more than one course, you may get more than one offer. You’ll need to choose one course and accept the offer for that course to have your admission confirmed.
Joining a College
At Cambridge, you will be a member of a College. In your application, you may have indicated a preference for 2 Colleges or opted to be allocated to a College.
After we have made you a conditional offer of admission, we will send your application to Colleges for consideration. You should not contact Colleges yourself.
You will usually be told which College has accepted you within 3 weeks and you will then need to accept their offer of a place.
Find out more about Cambridge Colleges.
Next steps after receiving your offer
To secure your place at the University, you will need to meet the conditions of your offer. Follow the guidance given in your offer email.
Check the next steps for confirming your place.
Funding decisions
In your application, you can opt to be considered for University funding. If you are made an offer you will then be considered for funding. This is in addition to any funding you applied for separately.
Check the applying for funding page for information about when you will hear if you have been awarded funding.
If you do not hear from the funding body by July, you should assume that you have not been successful in securing funding.