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Postgraduate Study


The University of Cambridge is one of the world's leading universities, providing a challenging, flexible and individual learning experience.

The University is globally respected for the quality of our teaching and research, and our graduates are highly sought after by employers. If you have the ability, the commitment and the motivation to study here, you can expect to gain a lot in return.

The University and Colleges

Cambridge is a ‘collegiate’ university, which means it’s made up of University faculties and departments in different academic subjects, and 31 Colleges.

The University provides teaching and research supervision for postgraduate students, and the Colleges provide pastoral support within a stimulating academic community.

Faculties and departments

As a postgraduate student at Cambridge, you will belong to one of the University's faculties, departments or affiliated institutions.

These provide all your teaching and supervisions, and facilities for research. They also organise regular seminars and workshops, often with eminent speakers.

Cambridge Colleges

As well as being a member of the University and an academic department, students also belong to a College community. 

The Colleges offer students a supportive environment in which to live, study, dine, socialise and receive pastoral support. 

You can find out more about the Colleges and how to join one, in the Colleges section of this website.

Institute of Continuing Education

The Institute of Continuing Education (ICE) is part of the University of Cambridge and provides part-time and short courses for adults of any age.

ICE offers over 250 courses covering a variety of academic disciplines and subjects areas. These include day schools, residential courses, online distance learning, and part-time undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications.

More information and a full list of part-time Postgraduate Certificates and Diplomas can be found on the ICE website.

University partner institutions (UPIs)

In addition to the University’s faculties and departments, there are a number of external partner institutions where students can undertake specialist research. 

These include:

Students are governed by the same University regulations as those based in a University faculty or department. Students can also still use central University and College facilities and support, as well as those offered by the partner institution.

Applications to study at a partner institution are made in the same way as other postgraduate courses at Cambridge. 

Cambridge terminology

You might come across many new and unfamiliar words, terms and expressions when you are researching your postgraduate study options. Many universities mention things that are particular to their institution, and Cambridge is no exception. Listed below are some of the terms you might come across on our website or when speaking to current postgraduate students, with a quick guide to what they mean.

  • Backs – the area of the city around the river that runs along the "back" of a number of central Colleges.
  • Collegiate university – a university made up of faculties and departments in different academic subjects and Colleges.
  • Easter (summer) term – Each academic year consists of 3 x 8-week terms (Michaelmas, Lent and Easter). Easter term runs from April to June.
  • Fellow – a senior member of a College, elected to a particular position of authority and responsibility in relation to the academic work and government of the College.
  • Formal (hall) - a College meal (normally three courses) with waiter service. Formal attire (and gown) is worn. The regularity and price varies by College.
  • Lent (spring) term – Each academic year consists of 3 x 8-week terms (Michaelmas, Lent and Easter). Lent term runs from January to March.
  • Matriculation – this is the formal admission of a student to the University.
  • Michaelmas (autumn) term – Each academic year consists of 3 x 8-week terms (Michaelmas, Lent and Easter). Michaelmas term runs from October to December.
  • MCR (Middle Combination Room) – the postgraduate community in your College. Usually there is a physical room in which postgraduate students can hang out, as well as an organisation that runs events and represents the interests of the postgraduate students.
  • Porters – every College has a team of Porters to maintain the safety and security of staff and students; they’ll often be your first point of contact for information or help around College.
  • Punt – a long, flat-bottomed boat that’s propelled by someone standing at the back and pushing a long pole into the river bed; punting along the Backs is a popular activity for students, locals and tourists alike.
  • Senior Tutor – the College officer with overall responsibility for academic, welfare and disciplinary matters.

If you come across anything else that isn’t clear or you simply want to find out more about being a student at Cambridge, contact the Postgraduate Admissions Office.

I chose to apply to study at Cambridge because of the curriculum of the Master Programme, the quality of the University and the scholarships available.

Emmanouela, MPhil in Development Studies