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Postgraduate Study


If you're applying for a research degree, you may need to identify a suitable supervisor before you apply.

For some courses, the department appoints supervisors after making an offer and you cannot choose one in advance.

Check if you need to find a supervisor on your course page in the Course Directory.

How to find a potential supervisor

You should research the department you're applying to and contact potential supervisors well before you apply.

  • Explore the department's current research and the academics involved.
  • Find a few academics working in a similar area to your proposed project.
  • Try to find out if they are accepting students to supervise.

Department websites are a good starting point for your research.

Contact potential supervisors

Academics are willing to talk to students wanting to take their next steps in research. They understand that applicants need to reach out to find supervisors, so do not hesitate to get in touch.

It's best to email the academics you're interested in working with. Your email should:  

  • be formal and concise
  • explain your proposal and how it could relate to their research
  • emphasise your passion for the subject

You could also request an informal chat with them so you can ask questions and explain your work in more detail.

Do not be discouraged if: 

  • you do not get a reply straight away. Be patient and do not be afraid to email again if it has been over a few weeks
  • the potential supervisor responds by saying "no". They may not have any space to take on more students at this time. Ask them if they know anyone else in the department who may be taking on students to supervise

When an academic has agreed to supervise you, you should name them on your application. 

Having interest from a potential supervisor does not guarantee that you will be offered a place. Find out more about how we assess your application.

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