Primary tabs
Cancer Biology is not currently open for applications. Please check the sidebar for the relevant dates.
Apply using the Applicant Portal
The Apply Now button on the right will take you to the Applicant Portal. There, you can create and submit your application and supporting documents, and you can also request your references.
An application is only complete when:
- you have submitted your application and supporting documents via the Applicant Portal
- you have paid the application fee if applicable. For further information on application fees, and which courses require an application fee, see here.
- your referees have provided their references.
If you miss the deadlines specified in this section, you will not be able to submit your application.
Selection Process
Applications are considered as a gathered field, following the application closing date: Tuesday 19 November 2024. Shortlisted candidates will be notified before the end of the year if shortlisted for the interview, with interviews being held during the week beginning Monday 6 January 2025.
Applicants should submit the University’s online application form by the closing date, via the online Applicant Portal.
Further information on How To Apply
Things You'll Need
In order to apply for this course you'll need to think about getting a few things ready before you apply.
- Two academic references
- Transcript
- CV/resume
- Evidence of competence in English
If required - you can check using our tool - Personal statement (document upload) (mandatory)
A statement (max 1000 words) which includes 1)Your motivation for choosing this course 2) Two research projects (see you find interesting and why 3) Something about you and your life experience beyond your academic studies 4) Where you saw the studentship/course advertised. - School of Clinical Medicine - Widening Participation Questionnaire
Applicants to this course are asked to complete an additional form to provide contextual information about their previous study. Find out more about our use of contextual information here:
Gates Cambridge Scholarships
If you wish to be considered for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship you will also need to provide the following:
See Gates Cambridge for more information.
How to Find a Supervisor
Information on research at CRUK Cambridge Centre can be found here:
You are not required to contact potential supervisors in advance of making an application.