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Postgraduate Study

Apply using the Applicant Portal

The Apply Now button on the right will take you to the Applicant Portal. There, you can create and submit your application and supporting documents, and you can also request your references.

An application is only complete when:

  1. you have submitted your application and supporting documents via the Applicant Portal
  2. you have paid the application fee if applicable. For further information on application fees, and which courses require an application fee, see here.
  3. your referees have provided their references.

If you miss the deadlines specified in this section, you will not be able to submit your application.

Applicants should expect to receive a decision within eight weeks of submitting their completed application and supporting documents.

Selection Process

Applications from candidates are considered in batches, following each of the main funding deadlines.  Applications received after the funding deadline are considered on a rolling basis.  All candidates should receive a decision within 12 weeks of submitting a completed application.

See here for information on what happens after you have applied.

Further information on How To Apply

Things You'll Need

In order to apply for this course you'll need to think about getting a few things ready before you apply.

  • Two academic references  
  • Transcript  
  • CV/resume
  • Evidence of competence in English  
    If required - you can check using our tool
  • Attainments
  • Research proposal (M)
    A research proposal of no more than 500 words. You should give as much information as possible about your likely subject of specialisation. This should outline the basis for your interest in the proposed subject (including some bibliography), detail your sense of the principal issues of current debate and where you stand with respect to them, and inform us of what exactly you hope to be able to achieve or contribute to our understanding of the field through your own research. This does not prevent you from negotiating a change in your topic later, but it does help us to decide how well we can cater to your needs, whether you are qualified to undertake the research, and who your initial main supervisor should be. You are free, if you wish, to say on your application form who your preferred supervisor would be, and you may find it helpful to contact possible supervisors to discuss possible projects before applying.
  • Sample of work (2)
    Two essays of up to 5,000 words each or a single piece of up to 10,000 words. Those applying from outside Cambridge should submit samples of their work in relevant areas. Ideally, this work should have been written recently and be on a subject related to the one you propose to work on in Cambridge. It is obviously a great help if the work is written in (or translated into) English.

Gates Cambridge Scholarships

If you wish to be considered for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship you will also need to provide the following:

  • Gates Cambridge Reference  
  • Research Proposal (PhD applicants only)

See Gates Cambridge for more information.

How to Find a Supervisor

Careful consideration will be given to your application, and you will be assigned a supervisor who is well-aligned with your research. You are very welcome to approach potential supervisors beforehand for informal discussions. The list of Staff members is available here.

Apply Now

Key Information

3-4 years full-time

4-7 years part-time

Study Mode : Research

Doctor of Philosophy

Faculty of Classics

Course - related enquiries

Application - related enquiries

Course on Department Website

Dates and deadlines:

Applications open
Sept. 15, 2022
Application deadline
Oct. 4, 2023
Course Starts
Jan. 5, 2024

Some courses can close early. See the Deadlines page for guidance on when to apply.

Applications open
Sept. 15, 2022
Application deadline
Jan. 15, 2024
Course Starts
April 17, 2024

Some courses can close early. See the Deadlines page for guidance on when to apply.

Applications open
Sept. 4, 2023
Application deadline
June 7, 2024
Course Starts
Oct. 1, 2024

Some courses can close early. See the Deadlines page for guidance on when to apply.

Lent 2025

Applications open
Sept. 4, 2023
Application deadline
Oct. 2, 2024
Course Starts
Jan. 5, 2025

Some courses can close early. See the Deadlines page for guidance on when to apply.

Applications open
Sept. 4, 2023
Application deadline
Jan. 15, 2025
Course Starts
April 17, 2025

Some courses can close early. See the Deadlines page for guidance on when to apply.

Course Funding Deadline
Jan. 4, 2024
Gates Cambridge US round only
Oct. 11, 2023

These deadlines apply to applications for courses starting in Michaelmas 2024, Lent 2025 and Easter 2025.

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