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The MPhil in Archaeological Research aims to give students an excellent grounding in higher-level research, which provides an ideal platform for PhD studies.
It achieves these aims by training students in a particular subject of specialisation through independent, supervised research. By the end of the course, students are expected to have carried out a substantial, independent research project with command of a broad knowledge base and original results or insights into their field of specialisation. It also trains students in the research process via supervised work in its major stages, such as reviewing past work, designing a research project, and collecting and analysing data. By the end of the course, students are expected to be able to conduct independent research at a professional level within archaeology. Further, it gives students training in a range of general, transferable skills, such as writing, presentation, research skills, and formulating and analysing arguments. By the end of the course, students are expected to be able to exercise these skills in any professional-level work which requires them.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this MPhil, students should have:
- knowledge of general archaeology methods and theory, and of a specific field within archaeology
- the ability to participate in academic discussion at a postgraduate level
Students taking the MPhil in Archaeological Research who wish to continue to the PhD in Archaeology are required to achieve a mark of at least 68 overall and no less than 68 in their dissertation. They must obtain the support of an appropriate supervisor before making an application. In some circumstances, additional academic conditions may be set to ensure appropriate skills are in place before admittance to the PhD programme.
Open Days
The University hosts and attends fairs and events throughout the year, in the UK and across the world. We also offer online events to help you explore your options:
Discover Cambridge: Master’s and PhD study webinars - these Spring events provide practical information about applying for postgraduate study.
Postgraduate Virtual Open Days - taking place in November each year, the Open Days focus on subject and course information.
For more information about upcoming events visit our events pages.