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Postgraduate Study



During the first year of the programme, students will undertake the MPhil in Scientific Computing, a 12-month full-time Master’s Degree which has a taught and a research element which carry equal examination credit. The taught element comprises core lecture modules on topics of scientific computing and elective modules relevant to the science or technology topic of the research project, while the research element is a project on a science or technology topic which is studied by means of scientific computation.

The core lecture modules are on topics of high performance scientific computing and advanced numerical methods and techniques. These are lectured and examined by means of written examinations and written assignments during the first six months (October-March) of the course. Their purpose is to provide the students with essential background knowledge for completing their research projects and for their general education in scientific computing.

Appropriate elective lecture courses may be selected from the application streams offered by the Centre for Scientific Computing. They are decided in consultation with stream leaders and the MPhil course Director.

The research element aims to provide essential skills for successful completion of the PhD, as well as to assess and enhance students' research capacity. The research project will be on a science or technology topic which is studied by means of scientific computation.  Many of the projects will be supervised by the teaching staff of the course, but members of the Departments of the Schools of Physical Sciences and Technology will also be involved. Project work should begin after the submission of the written assignments.

The PhD project is research only. The CDT may provide opportunities for further training in years 2-4 via the development of skills in responsible research and innovation (RRI), workshops on software commercialisation and intellectual property, equality and diversity, and events linked with other programmes such as hack-a-thons and University Away Days.

One to one supervision

Students are under the general direction of the MPhil course director. Each student is assigned a supervisor and stream leaders for each written assignment and for their research project. .

The University of Cambridge publishes an annual Code of Practice for Master’s students which sets out the University’s expectations regarding supervision.

In the doctoral stage, the supervisory team consists of the principal supervisor (normally referred to as the supervisor) and an adviser. The supervisor is the main person appointed to oversee and help with a student's programme of study in the specific subject area of their doctoral research and an adviser is appointed to act as a second point of contact for academic advice.

The University of Cambridge publishes an annual Code of Practice for research students which sets out the University’s expectations regarding supervision.

Seminars & classes

The course has a seminar programme which invites academic and industrial speakers. 



Students will take lectures, practicals and classes equivalent to around 165 contact hours in (for example) scientific high-performance computing and computational modelling.


The lectures on topics of numerical analysis and HPC are complemented with hands-on practical sessions.

Small group teaching

Small-group teaching ("supervisions") is not offered on the lecture courses

Literature Reviews

Literature reviews form part of the written assignments and the research project reports, and PhD thesis.

Posters and Presentations

Students have to  present a poster as part of their final examination.


Students whose projects are industrially funded will have the opportunity to participate in an industrial internship programme during their PhD. These activities are highly valuable since they give students an opportunity to experience a commercial operating environment, develop some of their own industrial contacts, and potentially secure immediate employment post-PhD. 



Feedback on the student’s performance on their examination and on the written assignment results is provided by the course director or stream leaders; feedback on their research project progress is provided by their research project supervisor. Students receive written termly progress reports.


In the doctoral stage, supervisors report termly on the progress of their students and these reports are made available to each student.

Postgraduate students are represented on the Department's Postgraduate Student Consultative Committee, which normally meets five times a year, and consists of one or more student representatives from each of the research groups. The committee exists to enable discussion of any issues affecting postgraduate studies and students may approach any member of the committee to suggest items for discussion.


Thesis / Dissertation


The final PhD assessment will be of a submitted thesis and subsequent viva voce examination. The length and format of the thesis will be determined by the requirements of the department in which the student is registered for the PhD.

At the end of the second year of the CDT (the first year of the PhD programme), students have to submit a report describing their progress. The form of that report depends on the department in which the student is registered. This will be examined by two academics not directly associated with the project, who will make a recommendation to the Degree Committee about whether the student should be allowed to continue with the PhD.

Written examination


The taught element of the MPhil in Scientific Computing is partially examined by means of three unseen written examination papers worth 25 per cent of the total assessment portfolio. Students will be expected to take all of the written examination papers from the ones offered by the MPhil in Scientific Computing.



The taught element of the MPhil in Scientific Computing is partially examined by means of two written assignments worth 25 per cent of the total assessment portfolio. The written assignments will be in an area related to the research project of the student. The objective of the assignments is to provide the student with suitable background training on the underlying numerical methods and techniques which are necessary to complete the research project.

The research project of the MPhil in Scientific Computing is assessed by means of two 7500-word (max) reports, each worth 25 per cent of the total assessment portfolio (i.e. 50 per cent in total). The details of the requirements for each report shall be approved by the Degree Committee. The submission dates for the reports will be in late May/early June and August. A viva voce examination on the project reports will take place between late August and early September.

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Key Information

1+3 years full-time

Study Mode : Research

Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Philosophy in the first instance

Department of Physics This course is advertised in multiple departments. Please see the Overview tab for more details.

Course - related enquiries

Application - related enquiries

Course on Department Website

Dates and deadlines:

Michaelmas 2025

Applications open
Sept. 4, 2024
Application deadline
May 16, 2025
Course Starts
Oct. 1, 2025

Some courses can close early. See the Deadlines page for guidance on when to apply.

Course Funding Deadline
Jan. 7, 2025
Gates Cambridge US round only
Oct. 16, 2024

These deadlines apply to applications for courses starting in Michaelmas 2025, Lent 2026 and Easter 2026.

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