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Postgraduate Study

Course closed:

English Studies is no longer accepting new applications.


In the first term (Michaelmas), most students take one set of taught Research Frameworks Seminars and one set of taught Specialist Seminars. In addition, and depending on their research specialisms, some students may take a set of taught Textual Studies seminars or may take the latter instead of Michaelmas's Research Frameworks Seminars.

In the second term (Lent), all students take one set of taught Research Frameworks Seminars and two sets of taught Specialist Seminars. 

By special arrangement and subject to certain conditions, a set of Specialist Seminars may be substituted by a course from another MPhil.

In addition to the taught seminars, the Faculty provides Research Training lectures and talks in the first (Michaelmas) and second (Lent) terms. These are complemented by events and training sessions provided by the University Library and Faculty Library, dealing with subjects such as bibliographical and information management skills, the use of electronic resources, and good referencing practices.

A wide range of specialist research seminars (attended by PhD students and academics as well as by MPhil students) are also provided, and MPhil students are expected to attend at least ten of these across the three academic terms (Michaelmas, Lent, and Easter).

One to one supervision

Eight hours of one-on-one dissertation supervisions are provided across the course, half of these in the third term (Easter) when students work exclusively on their dissertations. 

The University of Cambridge publishes an annual Code of Practice which sets out the University's expectations regarding supervision.

Seminars & classes

70-80 hours per year.

Taught/Research Balance Equal Taught/Research


Each student has a Supervisor who gives advice on planning the year's work and the dissertation in particular. The convenor of the appropriate seminar gives advice on the choice of the first term's (Michaelmas) coursework essay topic and on the choice of the second term's (Lent) essay topic in each case. The dissertation Supervisor then offers further supervision, reading and commenting on a draft of each essay prior to its submission.

Students can also access documentation online that offers specifications and guidance for each element of assessed work.

Progress is monitored through the discussion with each student of draft sections of their dissertations by their Supervisor and through the provision of feedback on submitted work. The short written exercise, which is submitted in the first term (Michaelmas) and is a preparatory essay written in relation to the student's dissertation project, receives feedback from the Supervisor. The first coursework essay, which is submitted shortly after the end of the first term (Michaelmas), is returned with two examiners' reports early in the second term (Lent). The Lent Term coursework essay is returned with two examiners' reports at the beginning of the third term (Easter). Supervisors write termly reports online, which can be accessed by the student.


Thesis / Dissertation

Students submit a 12,000 to 15,000-word dissertation at the end of the third term (Easter), which contributes 50% to the overall final mark for the degree.


Formative assessment:

Students submit a short written exercise related to the dissertation during the first term (Michaelmas), which is marked on a pass/resubmission basis. Feedback is given on this work, but this exercise does not contribute to the final degree result. 

Summative assessment:

Most students submit two 5,000-word coursework essays, one shortly after the end of the first term (Michaelmas) and one after the end of the second (Lent). These relate to the work pursued in the Specialist Seminar(s) taken in these terms.

If they wish, students who choose to specialise in Medieval literature can substitute the Michaelmas coursework essay with an exercise in Textual and Related Studies. 

The two pieces of coursework submitted contribute 20% and 30%, respectively, to the overall final mark for the degree (the higher-scoring of the two pieces of work contributing the higher percentage). 

Written examination

Students who choose to specialise in Renaissance literature sit a palaeography exam at the end of the first term (Michaelmas). This must be passed in order to be certified as a Renaissance specialist, but the specific mark awarded for it does not contribute to the final degree result. It is, therefore, a summative but zero-weighted assessment.

Key Information

9 months full-time

Study Mode : Taught

Master of Philosophy

Faculty of English

Course - related enquiries

Application - related enquiries

Course on Department Website

Dates and deadlines:

Applications open
Sept. 4, 2024
Application deadline
Jan. 7, 2025
Course Starts
Oct. 1, 2025

Some courses can close early. See the Deadlines page for guidance on when to apply.

Course Funding Deadline
Jan. 7, 2025
Gates Cambridge US round only
Oct. 16, 2024

These deadlines apply to applications for courses starting in Michaelmas 2025, Lent 2026 and Easter 2026.

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