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The PhD is the Department's principal research degree for postgraduate students. The majority of our students are registered for this degree. The PhD is intellectually demanding, and applicants must have a high level of attainment and motivation to pursue this programme of advanced study and research.
Completion normally requires three to four years of full-time study, including a probationary period. Students will normally be required to be resident in Cambridge during that time.
The examination involves the submission of a 60,000-word thesis and subsequent oral examination.
The PhD represents a significant and original contribution to the understanding of Psychology. This may be through the discovery of something new, the connection of previously unrelated facts, or the development of a new theory, taking into account all previously published work on the subject.
Open Days
The University hosts and attends fairs and events throughout the year, in the UK and across the world. We also offer online events to help you explore your options:
Discover Cambridge: Master’s and PhD study webinars - these Spring events provide practical information about applying for postgraduate study.
Postgraduate Virtual Open Days - taking place in November each year, the Open Days focus on subject and course information.
For more information about upcoming events visit our events pages.