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Completing my MPhil in Classical Islamic History & Culture at FAMES was a wonderful experience! From the beginning, I was supported by some of the best scholars in my field who allowed me to guide my research project while always being there to support and provide essential advice. The MPhil training module gave a thorough and broad overview of foundational methods and developments in the field. The subject courses were small and interactive. And overall, FAMES facilitated a generous community of scholarship and friendship among students and faculty that made the programme not only excellent in education, but also a joyful and supportive place to be in.
Iman Masmoudi (April 2021)
My MPhil experience at FAMES was really enriching, personally and academically. The faculty is engaging and academically vibrant. My lectures were delivered by researchers whose work I would often footnote in my undergraduate essays. The first few months of my MPhil I spent reading papers that would give me a holistic view of the Islamic world. I then embarked on my MPhil thesis and received constant support from my supervisor who guided me through all the challenges of the project. Completing the MPhil was a critical precursor to embarking on my PhD. It gave me the necessary tools to be an efficient and productive researcher and enough space and support to grow personally.
Aliya Abdukadir Ali (April 2021)