The MLitt and MSc are research degrees requiring six full-time (or ten part-time) terms of research. Terms of research are normally consecutive and require residency in Cambridge for full-time students.
Candidates for research who feel that the quality (in terms of originality) of research required for the PhD on a given topic might be beyThe MLitt and MSc are research degrees requiring six full-time (or ten part-time) terms of research. Terms of research are normally consecutive and require residency in Cambridge for full-time students. ond their reach within the required time limit, or who have only two years of guaranteed funding, may consider applying for the MLitt or MSc degree instead.
A Degree Committee may also recommend this as an outcome of a probationary period of research.
Part-time research students are actively encouraged to consider applying for these degrees as a way mark towards a longer PhD course. Subject to satisfactory progress, an upgrading may be applied for in due course. Not all departments offer part-time research degrees.
Examiners have the choice of recommending the award of MLitt or MSc, rather than PhD, to candidates whose dissertation is substantial and takes account of previously published literature on the subject but which nonetheless falls short of the quality and originality expected from a successful PhD thesis.
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