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Postgraduate Study

19 courses offered in the Department of Engineering

This four-year doctoral training programme in Aerosol Science is part of the multi-institutional EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Aerosol Science: harnessing aerosol science for improved security, resilience and global health and aims to provide scientists and engineers with a broad overview of the aerosol science sector in addition to in-depth training in detailed measurements, analysis and application approaches. The first seven months of the programme are based at the University of Bristol, during which time students will receive training in the underlying physical science governing the properties and transformation of aerosols. After this time, students will undertake a research project at Cambridge for five months, prior to commencing the main body of their doctoral research.

Full funding is available for eligible students.

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***Note 29 January 2024: The title of this course will be changing from what is shown on this page.  The course will be renamed the MRes in Photonic and Electronic Systems with effect from 1 October 2024.  Applicants are notified that all offers for the course will be made under the new title, and student transcripts on award will show the course title as the MRes in Photonic and Electronic Systems.***

The programme is designed to begin to equip students for engineering leadership positions, developing a high level of understanding and skills in photonic and electronic systems, in particular, the fundamentals of the field together with technology, systems and applications knowledge, and some research experience.

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The Construction Engineering Master's (CEM) programme is a Master of Studies (MSt) course offered by the Department of Engineering in association with the Cambridge Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge.

The aim of the course is to equip leaders to transform the construction industry. This is an advanced leadership programme aimed at future leaders of the construction industry.

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The world faces major challenges in meeting the current and future demand for sustainable and secure energy supplies. The Energy Technologies MPhil course is designed for graduates who want to help tackle these problems by developing practical engineering solutions, and who want to learn more about the fundamental science and the technologies involved in energy utilisation, electricity generation, energy efficiency, and alternative energy.

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This course is designed to provide further study and training in research in the field of engineering through a supervised research project and the writing of a thesis. There is a small (32-hour, plus assessment) taught element to the course; the marks for the taught element do not form part of the formal assessment for the MPhil degree.

Potential applicants should contact potential supervisors in advance of applying in order to determine the viability of their proposed research subject, and the supervisor's capacity to accept an MPhil student.

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The University of Cambridge Department of Engineering is one of the leading centres of engineering in the world, renowned for both its teaching and its research. It is also the largest integrated engineering Department in the UK. By the end of the PhD, students are expected to have produced original work making a significant contribution to knowledge in the field of engineering. At the same time, the Department expects that students will leave with the wider skills necessary to be successful in either an academic or a non-academic career.



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The Engineering for Sustainable Development MPhil course is designed for graduates who want to help tackle pressing global problems by developing practical engineering solutions. The course is about recognising that engineers have to operate within an increasingly complex set of constraints, and therefore must be capable of dealing with a range of challenges. The subject is based on some very straightforward principles: it is about living within Earth’s finite limits and resources, helping everyone on the planet to achieve an acceptable quality of life; acting as stewards of the environment for future generations; dealing with complexity; and handling the many trade-offs which have to be made.

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This new iteration of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment (FIBE3 CDT) will develop the next generation of PhD graduates to champion the urgent, complex, inter-connected and cross-disciplinary transition to net zero infrastructure. We will guide and help them to fulfill their potential by equipping them with the knowledge, skills and qualities to collaboratively engineer the infrastructure that will unlock net zero through conducting world-class, cutting-edge and user-need-focused cohort-based training and research to lead the design and implementation of the infrastructure net zero agenda in the UK.

This four-year course comprises an initial MRes year, followed by a three-year PhD programme. Continuation on to the PhD is conditional on satisfactory performance in the MRes year. Full funding is available for eligible applicants.

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This new iteration of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment (FIBE3 CDT) will develop the next generation of PhD graduates to champion the urgent, complex, inter-connected and cross-disciplinary transition to net zero infrastructure. We will guide and help them to fulfill their potential by equipping them with the knowledge, skills and qualities to collaboratively engineer the infrastructure that will unlock net zero through conducting world-class, cutting-edge and user-need-focused cohort-based training and research to lead the design and implementation of the infrastructure net zero agenda in the UK.

This version of the programme comprises an initial part-time MRes degree, followed by a PhD phase. Continuation on to the PhD is conditional on satisfactory performance in the MRes. Full funding is available for eligible applicants.

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The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Propulsion and Power offers a four-year PhD course in collaboration with the Universities of Oxford and Loughborough; at the end of the first year, successful students are awarded an MRes degree in Future Propulsion and Power before proceeding to the doctoral programme. Full funding is available for eligible students.

The course benefits from the team of universities (Universities of Cambridge, Oxford and Loughborough) and companies (Rolls-Royce, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Siemens, Dyson) that are collaborating to deliver the CDT. This team enables the course to provide students with an advanced course in the aero-thermal engineering of propulsion and power devices, particularly the gas turbine (compressors, combustors, and turbines), as well as the skills (experimental, computational, and transferable) required to become an expert practitioner and future leader in the field.

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The Healthcare Innovation programme is a part-time set of courses designed to fit with the demands of full-time employment. The course is delivered through a combination of face-to-face sessions requiring attendance in Cambridge, online sessions and self-directed learning and the course is supported through a virtual online environment. The objective of the programme is to provide an introduction to the research skills, governance and innovation needed to work successfully with healthcare systems, suitable for those from engineering and medical backgrounds, as well as related areas. Students will be equipped with the skills necessary to understand how biomedical engineering impacts upon populations, health conditions and clinical outcomes, and learn how to work across the boundaries of engineering, design and healthcare in an effective manner. The course is structured such that students apply first for the PgCert,  and then can progress through the PgDip and then on to the MSt in a flexible manner, enrolling each year for the corresponding award if they choose to progress, with breaks allowed along the way.

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The aim of ISMM is to equip numerate graduates with the academic skills, personal development and industrial experience to be immediately effective in their early careers in industry. ISMM is very different from any other academic course: it combines traditional academic teaching material with a series of industrial visits, industrial seminars, skills development and projects in industry. ISMM is a very intensive programme that gives a direct experience of many different industries, cultures and working environments. In addition to the lectures, the projects present real challenges in genuine industrial and business environments.

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This is an 11-month MPhil programme, taught from within our Information Engineering Division, with a unique, joint emphasis on the expanding areas of machine learning and machine intelligence. The course aims to teach the state of the art in machine learning and machine intelligence; to give students the skills and expertise necessary to take leading roles in industry; and to equip students with the research skills necessary for doctoral study. The course is split into four specialised pathways, which define the area in which the dissertation will fall, and which each have different compulsory and permissible module combinations.

The four pathways are:

  • Machine Learning;
  • Speech and Language Processing;
  • Computer Vision and Robotics;
  • Human-Computer Interaction.

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The MPhil programme in Nuclear Energy, offered by the Department of Engineering in collaboration with the Cambridge Nuclear Energy Centre, is a one-year full-time nuclear technology master's programme for engineers and scientists who wish to make a difference to the problems of climate change and energy security by developing nuclear power generation.

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The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Photonic and Electronic Systems offers a four-year PhD course in collaboration with University College London. The four-year course comprises an initial year undertaking the Photonic and Electronic Systems MRes programme, followed by a three-year PhD programme. Continuation on to the PhD is conditional on satisfactory performance in the MRes year. Full funding is available for eligible applicants. The programme is designed to produce engineering leaders with a high level of understanding and skills in photonic and electronic systems, in particular, the fundamentals of the field together with the necessary research expertise, and technology, systems and applications knowledge.

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AgriFoRwArdS is a collaboration between the Universities of Lincoln, Cambridge and East Anglia, and focuses on robotics within the agricultural sector. The Centre provides fully funded opportunities for students to undertake MSc and PhD study, to become the next leaders in the agri-food robotics community.

This course listing is intended for students who are already members of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Agri-Food Robotics, are completing the MSc at the University of Lincoln, and intend to continue with the CDT for PhD study at the University of Cambridge. All potential applicants are welcome to read this page and may wish to apply for the CDT at the University of Lincoln.

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12 courses also advertised in the Department of Engineering

From the British Antarctic Survey

This PhD course takes place under the joint supervision of a research scientist at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) and a University supervisor. Students may be based at BAS but will be registered for their degree with one of the partnering departments: Archaeology & Anthropology, Land Economy, Plant Sciences, Zoology, Earth Sciences, Geography and Scott Polar Research Institute, Applied Mathematics & Theoretical Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Computer Science and Technology.

BAS welcomes enquiries from those interested in higher degrees in earth science subjects, physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology and related areas.

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From the School of the Biological Sciences

The Cambridge Biosciences DTP is a four year fully-funded PhD programme that aims to create highly skilled and employable people. The programme offers training across 23 University Departments/Institutes and 3 Partner Institutes providing access to a wide range of research areas related to the strategic themes of the BBSRC. We offer three types of DTP studentships:

  • DTP Standard
  • Targeted
  • iCase

During the programme, DTP Standard and Targeted students will undertake two ten-week rotations in different labs before commencing their PhD. They will receive training in a variety of areas including but not limited to statistics, programming, ethics, data analysis, scientific writing and public engagement. Students will also undertake a 12-week internship (PIPS).

iCase students are not required to undertake rotations but may do so if they feel that this training would be useful. They must undertake a placement with their Industrial Partner for a minimum of three months and a maximum of 18 months.

Students will be expected to submit their thesis at the end of the fourth year.

Part-time study, whilst not the norm, may be viable, depending on the project, and will be considered on a case by case basis so please discuss this option with your proposed supervisor before making an application for this mode of study.

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From the Faculty of Clinical Medicine

We provide high-quality research training to clinical health professionals with an aptitude for research to enable them to become future leaders in medical and healthcare science. We offer training in an outstanding environment, spanning basic science, translational medicine, interdisciplinary, behavioural and applied health research.

We take great pride in our track record of successfully training health professionals to undertake the highest quality research across Cambridge and Norwich. We offer one of the most rewarding environments in which you could pursue your research training with world-leading researchers in The  Schools of Clinical Medicine and Biological Sciences at the Universities of Cambridge, Wellcome Sanger Institute and other MRC, Wellcome & Cancer Research UK funded Institutes, Centres & Units in the wider Cambridge area, as well as the School of Health Sciences and Norwich Medical School at the University of East Anglia with other partners on the Norwich Research Park.  The most important criteria we are looking for are the pursuit of research excellence, hard work and the will to make a difference to health.

The programme faculty provides mentoring and guidance on opportunities to undertake pre-doctoral research placements, enabling successful candidates to make an informed choice of PhD project and supervisor.  Bespoke training and support for career development for fellows, together with support to supervisors, ensures a successful research experience.  Post-doctorally, we will guide fellows based on their individual progress, to make the transition into higher research fellowships and clinical pathways, enabling ongoing training with continuance of research momentum.

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From the Department of Physics

The development of new materials lies at the heart of many of the technological challenges we currently face, for example creating advanced materials for energy generation. Computational modelling plays an increasingly important role in the understanding, development and optimisation of new materials.

This four-year doctoral training programme on computational methods for material modelling aims to train scientists not only in the use of existing modelling methods but also in the underlying computational and mathematical techniques. This will allow students to develop and enhance existing methods, for instance by introducing new capabilities and functionalities, and also to create innovative new software tools for materials modelling in industrial and academic research.

The first year of the doctoral training programme is provided by the existing MPhil course in Scientific Computing, which has research and taught elements, as well as additional training elements. The final three years consist of a PhD research project, with a student-led choice of projects offered by researchers closely associated with the CDT. (

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From the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy

This four-year (full-time) PhD course is part of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Centre for Doctoral Training (EPSRC CDT) in Developing National Capability for Materials 4.0 led by the University of Manchester.

Success in achieving net zero, delivering a healthy nation and driving increased national resilience and productivity, will be critically reliant on novel materials and devices. This demands rapid delivery, but it typically takes up to 20 years to bring new materials to commercial use. To move faster we need scientists and engineers able to exploit new developments in high-throughput approaches to making, characterising and testing new materials, and able to deploy materials modelling and materials informatics to generate and exploit materials data. We need to digitalise the materials innovation process to accelerate development, certification and deployment of new materials, and materials systems. We need researchers adept at working across interfaces between machine learning, informatics, physical and cyber systems and modelling, learning from advances in other disciplines and breaking silos. In other words, we need graduates proficient in ‘Materials 4.0’.

The goal of this PhD program is to develop leaders in the field of Materials 4.0 and ambassadors for a broader cultural shift in the practice of materials science. Working across boundaries between fields, the students will develop and advocate for new capabilities (methods and techniques) to drive forward the digitalisation of materials research and innovation.

The CDT will develop the necessary skills in a significant number of new scientists, but our ambition is to build an even broader skills base for UK academia and industry. The training programme is therefore designed to take our students from learners to leaders over the course of the programme. The students will begin by learning core skills, but as they develop proficiency and confidence they will play a role in training others, within and external to the CDT. Their research projects will focus on developing new methods and tools within Materials 4.0 and in their last two years the students will take the lead in developing training materials for these new methods, delivering training and disseminating the new capability.

By training a new generation of researchers in the digitalisation of materials science, the CDT will provide the skilled recruits that UK industry and academia need to shorten time to market, improve productivity and resilience and maintain industrial competitiveness. Moreover, through the innovative delivery mechanism of our national CDT bringing together the strengths of three national institutes, we will drive broad culture change, disseminating skills across industry and academia, making Materials 4.0 a ubiquitous way of doing materials science.

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From the Faculty of Architecture and History of Art

The Master of Studies (MSt) in Interdisciplinary Design for the Built Environment (IDBE) is a transformative part-time master’s programme at the University of Cambridge for global practitioners working in the built environment. The master's was created by a powerful partnership between the University of Cambridge’s world-leading Architecture and Engineering Departments.  It is designed for professionals working in the built environment who want to deliver the kind of sustainable and resilient places and spaces which are crucial to our common future. Interdisciplinary awareness and related management skills are seldom part of standard architecture, engineering and other built environment qualifications. IDBE helps ambitious built environment professionals meet the increasing demands of their market, their sector and invigorate their personal development.

The learning approach is highly interactive and designed to encourage reflection and debate. Students are supported by a team of expert tutors and supervisors. The speakers, lecturers and facilitators are leading experts and practitioners from both academia and industry.  A key feature of the programme is the collaborative learning experience. The programme facilitates shared learning between peers, and networking with the extensive range of contributors, together providing a rich learning environment.


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From the Department of Architecture

The Postgraduate Certificate in Interdisciplinary Design for the Built Environment is a ten month, part-time programme that addresses many of the key challenges experienced in the design of the built environment, such as:

  • Global climate change
  • Environmental, social and economic sustainability
  • Human health and well-being

The course will explore the context within which projects within the built environment are procured and designed with a key focus on:

  • The relationship between the design team and the client
  • The responsibility of the design team to the end user/society

The Certificate will introduce students to methods through which design teams can address these challenges through the projects they are involved in, such as:

  • Sustainable and resilient design
  • Innovation and Technology
  • Interdisciplinary practice and team-working skills
  • Design thinking
  • Research skills


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From the Department of Physics

The vision of this PhD programme is to deliver bespoke cohort-based interdisciplinary training which promotes holistic problem-focused thinking for nanoscientists, and drives new scientific directions as well as impactful, and responsible translation of research to technologies. A particular emphasis will be exposure to a broad range of world-class research environments, to allow students to discover their individual research and technology interests and develop strong ownership of their PhD topic.

The first six months of the programme will provide advanced-level training, specifically designed for students, through an integrated lectures + practicals module on Applied Nanoscience, a module on System Integration for Experimentalists and one short and one longer experimental project, prior to final selection of an interdisciplinary PhD research project between two research groups in the Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Materials Science or another relevant department within the University. An additional module on Innovation for Scientists will help students develop a wider perspective, including training on innovation, sustainability and responsible research.

Throughout the programme there will be an environment supporting creativity, resilience, peer-to-peer learning, networking and connectivity. The programme will offer professional skills training to support students for different career paths in industry, academia and beyond, and will help students discover and nurture their leadership approach in varied contexts. Cross-cohort events will include student-led conferences, research seminars, onsite and offsite research and career development workshops led by internal and external experts and other activities.

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From the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy

The MPhil in Micro and Nanotechnology Enterprise is an exciting opportunity in which world-leading scientists and successful entrepreneurs are brought together to deliver a one-year master’s degree combining an in-depth multidisciplinary scientific programme with a global perspective on the commercial opportunities and business practice necessary for the successful exploitation in the rapidly developing fields of nanotechnology and nanomanufacturing.

The programme is intended for those with a good first degree in the physical sciences and relevant areas of engineering, who wish to develop research skills and commercial awareness of the cutting-edge disciplines of micro- and nanotechnology. The course will provide an unparalleled educational experience for entrepreneurs in these fields.

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From the Department of Medicine

This innovative programme was established in 2002 as a collaboration between the University of Cambridge and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the US. Its aim is to train outstanding students in biomedical research, taking advantage of the excellent research environments in Cambridge and the US. Students work on collaborative projects organised by co-supervisors in Cambridge and the NIH, spending two years at each institution. Students have access to all NIH facilities and are paid by the NIH. The PhD is awarded by the University of Cambridge.

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From the Department of Earth Sciences

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From the Department of Physics

The MPhil programme in Scientific Computing provides world-class education on high performance computing and advanced algorithms for numerical simulation at continuum and atomic-scale levels. The course trains early-career scientists in the use of existing computational software and in the underlying components of the simulation pipeline, from mathematical models of physical systems and advanced numerical algorithms for their discretisation, to object-oriented programming and methods for high-performance computing for deployment in contemporary massively parallel computers.  As a result, course graduates have rigorous research skills and are formidably well-equipped to proceed to doctoral research or directly into employment. The highly transferable skills in algorithm development and high-performance computing make our graduates extremely employable in all sectors of industry, commerce and finance.

The MPhil in Scientific Computing is suitable for graduates from any discipline of natural sciences, technology or engineering, who have good mathematical and computational skills.  

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Department Members

Prof Richard Prager
Head of Department

  • 152 Academic Staff
  • 380 Postdoctoral Researchers
  • 1000 Graduate Students
  • 1280 Undergraduates

Research Areas